Monday, February 27, 2012

EPM Foundations Clients And WebAnalysis Client Not Reachable Error: "Error 404"

EPM Foundations Clients And WebAnalysis Client Not Reachable Error: "Error 404" [ID 1269039.1]

 Modified 02-DEC-2010     Type PROBLEM     Status PUBLISHED 

In this Document

Applies to:

Hyperion BI+ - Version: and later   [Release: 11.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When connecting to Hyperion Components, error: 404 is generated.


This problem can occur because sometimes Windows cleans out a user's temp directory when
the user logs off from a remote session. Therefore, if the user who installed EPM System products
and is running the services logs in to a remote session of EPM System and then logs out of the
remote session, upon logout, Windows sometimes cleans out the temp files associated with this
user. Since these temp files are in use by WebLogic, deleting them causes WebLogic to stop


To fix this issue, change the temp location for the services:

1 Create this folder: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/tmp
2 Use the Windows regedit tool, navigate to HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/ to find the
service entries in the registry:
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/AnalyticProviderServices0/HyS9aps
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/CalcMgr0/HyS9CALC
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/EpmaDataSync0/HyS9EPMADataSynchronizer
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/EpmaWebReports0/HyS9EPMAWebTier
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/EssbaseAdminServices0/HyS9eas
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/FinancialReporting0/HyS9FRReports
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/FMWebServices0/HyS9FinancialManagementWebSvcs
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/FoundationServices0/HyS9FoundationServices
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/HpsAlerter0/HyS9HPSAlerter
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/HpsWebReports0/HyS9HPSWebReports
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/Planning0/HyS9Planning
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/RaFramework0/HyS9RaFramework
HKLM/Software/Hyperion Solutions/WebAnalysis0/HyS9WebAnalysis

For the service Hy9FoundationServices, Set the value for the JVM option entries for
“-Dweblogic.j2ee.application.tmpDir=” and “” to the newly
created temp directory (for example, MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/
We also recommend that you add an “-Xrs” option to the JVM setting. This option ensures
that the services won’t shut down when users log out of Remote Desktop.
To do this, select New -> String Value with the name JVMOption<X>, where X is the
JVMOptionCount+1 and set its value data to “-Xrs”

Edit JVMOptionCount value and increase it by 1.

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