Friday, February 24, 2012

Reset the WebLogic EPMSystem Domain admin epm_admin Password Without Knowing the Password

Reset the WebLogic EPMSystem Domain admin epm_admin Password Without Knowing the Password [ID 1096427.1]

 Modified 08-JUL-2011     Type REFERENCE     Status PUBLISHED 

Applies to:

Hyperion Planning - Version: to - Release: 11.1 to 11.1
Generic UNIX


The purpose of this article is to allow you "the Hyperion EPM 11.1.2 admin" a way to reset the WebLogic epm_admin user's password without having a way to login to the WebLogic EPMSystem domain as an administrator. 


This article is intended for Hyperion EPM 11.1.2 system administrators with:
  • A strong understanding of the Hyperion EPM 11.1.2 system architecture
  • A basic understanding of WebLogic
  • A basic administrators understanding of Unix operating systems

Reset the WebLogic EPMSystem Domain admin epm_admin Password Without Knowing the Password

You just installed EPM 11.1.2 and you did not write down the Weblogic Domain admin password, or you've had it installed for awhile and can't remember what the password is to get into the WebLogic Admin console to make a change. This article is going to help you do that so you can get on with your business.

In order to perform this task you'll need to know what the DOMAIN_HOME location is. Within these steps we'll refer to the DOMAIN_HOME as a variable. Unix Variable references begin with a '$' dollar sign.

Unix Systems
The DOMAIN_HOME on unix servers by default will exist under the installing users $HOME directory. In this example the user hypadmin has it's $HOME directory here /export/home/hypadmin


1. Open a shell to the Unix server where EPM 11.1.2 is installed and set the DOMAIN_HOME variable
2. Change directory to $DOMAIN_HOME/bin


3. Source the script so we can get all the WebLogic variables set correctly

4. Now change directory to $DOMAIN_HOME/security

cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security
5. Move the DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift to a backup file

mv DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift DefaultAuthenticatorInit_old.ldift
6. Run the following java command to generate a new DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift within the security directory

java newuser newpassword .
This will create a new user with the assigned password. 

Note: replace newuser and newpassword with a user and password of your choosing. Ensure the password is a minimum of 8 characters and contains at least one numeric character.

7. Change directory to $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security

cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/
8. Edit the file using a file editor of your choosing. Replace newpassword and newusername with the user and password you defined in step 6.

The will get encrypted once the admin server starts up

9. Rename or remove directory $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap as it will get recreated once the WebLogic Admin server starts.

rename $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap_old
10. Change directory to $DOMAIN_HOME/bin and start the Weblogic Admin Server

11. Open a browser and navigate to the WebLogic Domain console for the EPMSystem domain

Login with the newuser and newpassword you defined in step 6
12. In the left hand window under Domain Structure click the Security Realms link

13. Select the myrealm link

14. Select the Users and Groups tab 

15. Click the epm_admin link to edit the epm_admin users password

16. Click the password tab

17. Enter the new password for the epm_admin user. Ensure that the password is a minimum of 8 characters and has at least one numeric character. Once finished click the save button to make the changes permanent. Logout of the WebLogic console and login as the epm_admin user with the new password to ensure the change has been made.

18. At this point you've modified the user to start the WebLogic console and have reset the epm_admin password. If you decide to remove the user you used to get into WebLogic be warned that you won't be able to start the Weblogic console until you perform the steps back in step 8. Replace the user with 'epm_admin' and the password with the epm_admin password.

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  • Middleware > Enterprise Performance Management > Planning > Hyperion Planning


  1. all steps are correct except one, you can not remove entire ldap directory, since you want epm_admin user, just rename file DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.initialized in ldap directory.

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