Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Unable To Login to FDM Application "Error: An Error occurred logging onto the system. -Unable to connect to database.

Unable To Login to FDM Application "Error: An Error occurred logging onto the system. -Unable to connect to database. Please check the database information and verify database is accessible".

Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management - Version: and later   [Release: 11.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

When attempting to login to an Oracle FDM Application the following error is returned:

Error: An Error occurred logging onto the system. -Unable to connect to database. Please check the database information and verify database is accessible".

Currently the oracle 32 bit client is installed on the FDM application server and the 32 bit Oracle Provider for OLE DB is able to connect to the Oracle Database with "Test Connection".  The issue is that the TnsNames.ora file is not currently located in the Oracle Client Home\Network\Admin directory.  FDM looks to this directory in order to establish the connection with the Oracle Database, since the TNSNames.ora file is not in this location, it returns the database connection error.
does not exist and results in the error message returned.

A) Copy the TNSNames.ora file from the root of the C:\ drive on the FDM Application Server to the <ClientHome>\Network\Admin directory on the FDM application server
B) Test the login to FDM.


  1. hi i have the simliar issue on win2k8 and oracle 11g on vmware?>

    Any idea how to fix. I tried above method but was not successful

  2. Also The version of FDM I installed was
