Thursday, March 1, 2012

FDM Integration Error "Error occurred while initializing the data source. Error occurred while initializing the data source." [ID 1359010.1]

FDM Integration Error "Error occurred while initializing the data source. Error occurred while initializing the data source." [ID 1359010.1]

 Modified 26-SEP-2011     Type PROBLEM     Status PUBLISHED 

In this Document

Applies to:

Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management - Version: and later   [Release: 11.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to browse for a target value in the HFM application via the FDM mapping table the browse window is returned with an error message:

** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-08-16-20:40:27] **
Code............................................. 1
Description...................................... Error occurred while initializing the data source.
Error occurred while initializing the data source.
Error Reference Number: {587A3D60-7766-46D4-9C1A-18CA75CAD655};User Name: xxxxx

Procedure........................................ ObjScriptReturnMarshaler.GetDimensionList


Currently the value in the "HFM APPLICATION NAME" field in the FDM integration settings menu for the HFM adapter is set to a application name that is not registered with the HFM Cluster.


A) Login to the FDM application via the web client
B) Choose Tools > Integration Settings
C) Update the "Application Name" option with the proper HFM application name and click "save"

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